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Taipei City is Providing Resources and Subsidies to Encourage Companies to Implement Family-Friendly Measures

  A comprehensive childcare policy helps encourage people to have more children and alleviate declining birth rates. Not only does the government need to promote relevant measures actively, but support from companies also plays a crucial role. Article 23 of the Gender Equality in Employment Act stipulates that companies with more than 100 employees are not only required to set up breastfeeding rooms but also provide childcare facilities or offer appropriate childcare measures. This city aims to collaborate with companies to create a more friendly workplace environment for employees in need of childcare support.

  “Company childcare”refers to childcare welfare services provided by the employer to the employees. The goal is to reduce the childcare burden of employees and create a family-friendly workplace. Specific implementation methods can be divided into the following types:

  1.Childcare facilities: Companies may establish kindergartens or childcare centers by themselves or cooperate with multiple companies to establish such childcare institutions.

  2.Childcare measures: Companies can partner with legally registered childcare institutions to offer discounted childcare services or directly provide childcare subsidies to employees. Alternatively, employers can hire or commission childcare providers to offer childcare services at designated locations within the company premises for employees.

  A family-friendly workplace that supports work-life balance is one of the key factors for companies to attract and retain talent. To assist with this, we have created a dedicated section on our website, "Childcare and Breastfeeding Room for Companies" (https://myppt.cc/bUoPC1), where companies can easily access information related to setting up childcare facilities.

  To encourage companies to establish childcare facilities or implement childcare measures, both this government and the Ministry of Labor have established relevant regulations that provide financial subsidies. Starting in 2025, this government increase promotion for establishing breastfeeding rooms and childcare facilities or implementing childcare measures by increasing the total subsidy amount from NT$2.36 million to NT$7.3 million. Additionally, the subsidy coverage for employers' actual expenses will be raised from 80% to 90%. For details on this city's and the Ministry of Labor's subsidy programs and amounts offered, please refer to the table below:

Subsidies for childcare facilities and measures from Taipei City and the central government (starting in 2025)

Subsidy items
Subsidy amountTotal maximum subsidy amount
Department of Labor (Taipei City)
Ministry of Labor (Central Government)
Breastfeeding room
NT$ 20,000
 NT$ 20,000
Childcare facilities
Newly built and registered cases
Subsidized facility equipment
NT$ 300,000
NT$ 5,000,000
NT$ 5,000,000
Professional consultation service fee
NT$ 50,000

NT$ 50,000
Personnel expense subsidies
NT$ 810,000

NT$ 810,000
Improvement or new equipment for established and registered cases
NT$ 100,000
 NT$ 500,000
NT$ 500,000
Childcare measures
The children of employees are in the care of registered childcare agencies, and employers provide employees with childcare subsidies
 Increased to maximum
NT$ 100,000 in 2025
NT$ 600,000
NT$ 600,000
Employers hire or commission childcare professionals to come to a location designated by the employer to provide employees with childcare services
Newly established
Increased to maximum
NT$ 300,000 in 2025
NT$ 600,000
Updating equipment or provide childcare professional incentive

Increase to maximum
NT$ 100,000 in 2025 

NT$ 600,000