2023 CTC World Cup Ballroom Dance Championships in Taipei - Taipei Philharmonic Orchestra Delivers an Audio-Visual Feast
The "2023 CTC World Cup Ballroom Dance Championships " is jointly organized by the the Sports Admin-istration, Ministry of Education, Chinese Taipei Council of Ballroom Dancing, Department of Sports, De-partment of Sports, Taipei City Government and Association Legal Person National Dance Sports of the Re-public of China. This year marks the fifth year of the event, and it has attracted 1,252 participants from both domestic and international backgrounds. The evening event concluded on July 8th with a magnificent display of performances by the participating dancers and the Taipei Philharmonic Orchestra. The CTC World Cup Ballroom Dance Championships is an international dance competition featuring re-nowned international judges and world-class dancers. The competition started at 7:30 in the morning, with the opening performed by young dancers in the Modern Dance category under 12 years old. The partici-pants showcased their practiced techniques on stage, and the competition continued throughout the day until the evening. The evening event featured performances by the Taipei Philharmonic Orchestra, re-nowned vocalists, and the MUSIC LINE Jazz Band. The close proximity of world-class dancers during the fi-nals, combined with the live music performed by the orchestra, provided the dancers with even more mo-tivation and created a visual and auditory feast for the audience. The meticulously planned lighting effects added to the visual and auditory stimulation, creating a perfect and exquisite dance event. The evening event also included a raffle, with prizes such as a free Asian region flight ticket provided by China Airlines and 10 pairs of dance shoes provided by ADS Dance Shoes, which were won by lucky audience members. Mr. Tsai Pei-lin, Deputy Director of Department of Sports, Taipei City Government delivered a speech at the event, expressing gratitude to the Taipei Council of Ballroom Dancing, Department of Sports, and Associa-tion Legal Person National Dance Sports of the Republic of China for their dedicated organization. He also thanked the Taipei Philharmonic Orchestra and the jazz band for their live accompaniment to the dancers, as well as the presence of numerous distinguished guests. He expressed the hope that this event would bring more international renowned competitions to Taiwan and continue to promote sports diplomacy, re-ceiving further support from everyone. This competition has attracted outstanding participants from around the world, with a total of 319 foreign participants. It includes dancers from various regions in Taiwan, with 424 participants in the solo dance cat-egory and 509 pairs in the partner dance category, bringing together a total of 1,252 talented dancers. In the evening's finals, the Taiwan Professional Standard Dance Selection crowned Chen Chien-shen and Chen Yin-jun as champions. The champions in the Under 21 Open Standard Dance category were Taiwanese dancers Li Jin-ye and Xu Yuqian, while the champions in the Under 21 Open Latin Dance category were Ukrainian dancers Denys Fediuk and Yuliia Korolyk. The champions in the World Amateur Open Standard Dance category were Alex Gunnarsson and Ekaterina Bond from Iceland, and the champions in the World Amateur Open Latin Dance category were Tang Yiming and Huang Xinyi from mainland China. The champi-ons in the World Professional Open Standard Dance category were Russian dancers Dragovic Dusan and Dragovic Valeria, and the champions in the World Professional Open Latin Dance category were Dorin Fre-cautanu and Marina Sergeeva from the United Kingdom. The Taiwanese audience demonstrated their enthusiasm by providing unforgettable encouragement and applause to both domestic and international participants, creating impressive scenes during the competi-tion. The audience also enjoyed the music and dance brought by the orchestra, experiencing a memorable international dance feast through this event.